Community Link Program

Link History
communitylinkThe Link started as a portion of a grant that was written to improve math scores in elementary and middle schools. The Link was created as just that, a link between the school and the home. Mr. Jack Schriber (Fine Arts Supervisor, ret.) and Mr. Andrew Coil (Bosse Technology teacher and Department Chair) co-taught the Link’s first year at Bosse. During that first year, the students had to produce a monthly half-hour program that showed how math was being taught and used in the classroom and other places. WNIN agreed to air this program on channels 9 and 12.

When did the Link Begin?
Bosse's EVSC Community Link started in 2002 for the very first EVSC student-produced television program.

What exactly is the Community Link?
The "Link" is a connection between the school and the home, hence the name Link. The Link is a student produced television program. The students brainstorm ideas, write scripts, conduct interviews, shoot video, and edit the video to create packages that will be woven together to create the 30 minute program.

What is its purpose?
The LINK has matured into a program that links the school with the community. The Link now focuses on the community and school-related topics.

When does the Link air?
The LINK airs several times a month on WNIN and their HD Channels. To find specific air dates, you will need to look in the TV guide or on WNIN’s web page (

Who is in charge of the Link?
Mr. Andrew Coil and Mr. Gabe Golba co-teach the class. These teachers may be reached at: 812-435-0932, or by email.

Is this good experience?
In this course, the students will have many different experiences. This class focuses on many skills by offering real-world experiences. The students will learn and gain: leadership skills, script writing techniques, interview skills, poise, public speaking skills, camera and audio techniques, computer editing, team work, and Responsibility. A former student once stated that he didn’t feel like a senior in high school, but more like a senior in college, while taking the class.

College preparation?
This class has so many benefits for all students. The students can get college credit from USI through the College Achievement Program (up to 7 dual-credit hours), if they choose. These credits will work for the Academic Honors, Technical Honors, and IB diplomas. The leadership and personal skills gained from this experience will be invaluable to those who take the course.

How often do the students conduct interviews?
Usually, there are 5 or 6 segments that will contain interviews, within the monthly, 30 minute program. Most of these segments are shot on location, off of school grounds.

How many Students?
At this time, there are approximately 35 students who are in the class. The class runs for 1-2 periods each day and the students may enroll for 2 years. We will work around a student’s schedule to accommodate those who can’t make the 2-period/day commitment. Besides working on the Link, the students will create BHS Sunrise (a daily, in-house, news program), as well as operate as a small-scale video production company for the EVSC and EVSC Foundation.

Where do the story ideas come from?
The students, generally, come up with the topics for each segment or package that airs on the Community Link. Sometimes, we are encouraged to cover certain topics that are important to the school corporation or the community. Other projects that utilize the class as a small-scale production company may come from the community or through the EVSC.
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