Special Education

special needs
Welcome to the Special Education Department

Our Mission
We are dedicated to providing educational opportunities for students to succeed in the world. We provide support and services in the least restrictive environment for each student.

The Special Education programs range from support and services provided in the general education classroom, to special education content area classrooms for instructional, or functional academic and vocational needs. Collaborative planning by general education, special education, and support staff facilitates implementation of the student's Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) in the academic environment.

Each student who is eligible for Special Education services is assigned to a Teacher of Record. This teacher is the student’s Case Manager, and will work with the student and his or her parents to develop their Individual Educational Program (I.E.P.), and then monitor the student’s school progress in regards to the IEP Goals. The student’s special needs, as outlined in the IEP, will determine what type and amount of services the student will receive.

The Teacher of Record does not take the place of the student’s counselor, but works with the counselor, department chair, parents, and the student’s other teachers to help the student succeed. At the mid-way point in each grading period, the Teacher of Record collects Progress Reports from all of the student’s teachers, and will share the information on these reports with the student and his or her parents. In the Fall, the Teacher of Record will meet with the parents and student for the Annual Case Review Conference to review the student's progress in his or her classes and develop a new I.E.P. for the coming year.

Special Education Department Staff
ISTEP Waiver Criteria

Beginning with the Class of 2000, all students must pass both the Math and English sections of the ISTEP+ GQE Exam in order to receive a high school diploma. A second way to receive a high school diploma is to complete Core 40 curriculum with a “C” or better in all Core 40 classes. Otherwise, a student may make an appeal by meeting the following criteria:

Waiver Criteria
1. Maintain at least 95% attendance throughout high school.
2. Receive written statements from teachers in areas of the test not passed stating that the student is working at or above the 9th grade level.
3. Receive remediation by taking Math / English Lab and Gateway Lab courses.
4. Take the ISTEP+GQE exam at least once per year.
5. Maintain a 2.0 Grade Point average in 24 core credits required by the State of Indiana.

Course Offerings

* English 9
* English 10
* English 11
* English 12
* Pre-Algebra
* Algebra
* Business Math
* U.S. History
* World History
* Government
* Economics
* Math/Eng Lab
* Gateway
* Earth/Space Science
* Life Science
* Health
* Related Work I and II
* Cooperative Work
* Interpersonal Relations

What is Inclusion?
Bosse is dedicated to placing students in the least restrictive environment with the necessary tools, including accommodations and staff, to help each student be successful both now and in their future aspirations. Inclusion classes are offered in a general education classroom where a Special Educator and a General Education Teacher collaborate to teach the course.
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