Welcome to the Fine Arts Department
In order to provide a quality education for every child in Indiana, it is important to provide for all aspects of
human growth. The artistic, expressive, and cultural aspects of each child’s intellectual, emotional, physical, and
social development are vital components of this growth. Research involving the impact of arts education upon
mental functions supports the convictions of many educators, parents, and business leaders that the fine arts
are essential due to their ability to provide students with the means to think, feel, and understand the world
around them in unique ways. Literacy in the arts strengthens a person’s participation in society by enhancing
problem solving and communication skills as well as fostering self-expression, aesthetic awareness, and multiple
points of view. For these reasons, a curriculum in each of the fine arts should be available to all students so that
they may become self-directed toward lifelong learning in the arts.
The purpose of each fine arts curriculum is to promote lifelong participation in the arts by developing skilled
creators, performers, critics, listeners, and observers of the arts. Students can use the arts as a means of: (1)
self-expression and communication, (2) development of critical thinking skills, (3) self-knowledge and
understanding of the world around them, and, (4) increasing awareness of the artistic heritage of other cultures,
as well as their own.
Fine Arts Department Staff
Related Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities
• Marching Band - Please see Mr. Smith in the band room
• Color Guard - Please see Mr. Smith in the band room
• Orchestra - Please see Mr. Smith in the band room
• Art Club - Please see Mr. Cullison in room 122
• Fine Arts Academic Team - Please see Mr. Aiken in room 160
• Choir - Please see ... in the choir room
• Drama, Musicals, and Fall Plays - Please see ... in the choir room
Course Offerings: